Welcome all

This blog will record the trials and tribulations of three people who decide to turn a clapped out Yamaha FJ1100 motorbike into a cafe racer.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Engine has been extracted

Last weekend (19th June) We all gathered at Paul's place to begin dismantling the FJ. It was decided to take the engine and gearbox out and take the rest of the bike to Ian's place. Peter and Paul could work on the engine whilst Ian could continue to dismantle the rest of the bike.

It took most took most of the Saturday to get the engine out and then get the rest of the bike and bike ramp back on the ute and over to Ian's place.

By the end of the weekend it was all done and all we have spent so far is about $42 on a set of large allen keys because we needed a 10mm key to remove one of the engine mount bolts.

We can now safely say that the bike has bits and pieces spread all over Brisbane; Fenders, fairings and engine and gearbox at Pauls, and most of the rest of the bike at Ians.

Still have not decided on what colour and graphics will be on the racer but Ian is pushing for "something" that looks mostly black and chrome but with a checkered black and orange strip down the centre like the graphic pictured.

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