Welcome all

This blog will record the trials and tribulations of three people who decide to turn a clapped out Yamaha FJ1100 motorbike into a cafe racer.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's all about allocating jobs

One bike, three "bike rebuilders" and several thousand opinions on where to start, what to do and how much to spend.

Our first big decision was that we would turn the bike into a cafe racer. Something like the one in the photo.

Our next decision was the budget. We decided that we would each "bank" $100/month into a joint account. Therefore, with $300/month coming into the account the "budget" (by default) is $3,600 as we figure that the project should be finished in about 12 months i.e. by around June 2011.

We also decided that we needed to allocate each person sections of the bike to research and come up with ideas on what to do and possible costs to do it.

Peter got:
1. The rear suspension
2. The brakes and
3. The front suspension
(as well as "combining" with Paul on researching the engine)

Paul got:
1. The engine (with Pete)
2. The clutch and
3. The electrical system

Ian got:
1. The transmission and shift mechanism
2. Fuel, power valve and exhaust systems and
3. The body and frame

We all need to go away and research our particular areas and then we will all meet again and each one of us has to "present" what he thinks we (collectively) need to do in relation to each specific section.

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